Healthy Home Environmental Idaho Falls

Radon testing In Idaho falls

A Simplified Guide to Radon Testing in Idaho Falls

Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally from the breakdown of uranium in the soil, rocks, and water. It’s odorless, tasteless, and colorless, and the only way to detect it is through testing.

It penetrates buildings through cracks in the floors, walls, and utility lines. Over time, the trapped gas builds up, decreasing your indoor air quality, and risking your health. According to the CDC, radon is the leading environmental cause of any cancer. 

But you can protect your loved ones by testing and reducing radon levels on your property. Here is a simple guide on everything you should know about radon testing in Idaho Falls.

Testing for Radon

While the dangerous gas is found in all states, Idaho is indicated among the states with higher radon levels. And it can be found in any home. Whether it’s new or old, with or without a basement, and drafty or well-sealed. 

The only way to confirm whether you have a radon problem is to conduct a test. If you prefer to do it yourself, you need to know the different types of tests available and how best to do it. 

Short-Term Testing 

A short-term test kit is the fastest way to test radon levels on your property. Depending on the device, you’re required to place it in your home for 2 – 90 days. 

Majority of the kits use activated charcoal that absorbs the radon in the air to give you a reading. Since radon levels vary daily and seasonally, a short-term test may not provide an accurate year-round radon level but it can indicate whether you need long-term testing.   

Long-Term Testing

Long-term tests are based on alpha particle testing and remain on your property for 90 days to one year. They can give you a more accurate year-round average reading of the radon levels. 

Understanding Your Results

Radon is measured in picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of air. While there are no acceptable levels of radon, the EPA recommendations offer guidelines on how you can interpret your results. 

If your test results show readings of 4 pCi/L and above, you need to undertake immediate radon mitigation measures to reduce the levels. For readings below 4 pCi/L, action may not be required immediately, but it’s recommended that you consider putting up measures to reduce the levels to below 2 pCi/L. 

Engaging a Professional Radon Company

A radon home test kit can give you an estimation of the radon levels on your property. If you’re concerned about the results you find, you need to consult radon professionals for proper testing. 

A radon expert uses specialized tools that are more accurate and can provide more details about the radon levels throughout the testing period. Additionally, radon professionals can advise you on the best radon mitigation measures for your property.

Contact HHE for Reliable Radon Testing Services

If you need professional radon testing services in Idaho Falls, contact our radon experts at Healthy Home Environmental Services. We offer reliable and short and long-term electronic radon testing services at competitive rates. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.